Itineraries in India

Embark on an exhilarating journey through India's vibrant landscapes! Traverse the majestic Himalayas, delve into the rich history of Rajasthan's palaces, and bask in the serene beauty of Kerala's backwaters. From bustling cities to tranquil retreats, each itinerary promises unforgettable adventures!


5 days in India

Explore the diverse cultural and historical marvels of India with this 5-day itinerary, spanning from the bustling capital of Delhi to the architectural wonders of Agra and the royal elegance of Jaipur.


5 days in India: hidden gems

Explore the hidden gems of India over 5 days, from the serene backwaters of Kerala to the majestic forts of Rajasthan. Each day is meticulously planned to offer you a blend of culture, history, and natural beauty.

Delhi, India

5 days in Delhi, India

An exhilarating 5-day journey through the vibrant and historical capital of India, Delhi, exploring its rich cultural heritage, stunning architecture, and bustling markets.

Delhi, India

5 days in Delhi, India: hidden gems

Explore the hidden gems of Delhi with this 5-day itinerary, featuring lesser-known attractions that offer unique experiences in the heart of India.

Jaipur, India

5 days in Jaipur, India

A 5-day adventure through Jaipur, exploring its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture.

Jaipur, India

5 days in Jaipur, India: hidden gems

A 5-day itinerary to explore the hidden gems of Jaipur, focusing on unique and lesser-known attractions in close proximity, ensuring a seamless travel experience.

Jaipur, India

5 days in Jaipur, India: night life

A vibrant 5-day exploration of Jaipur's nightlife, featuring iconic attractions, local delicacies, and cultural experiences. Each day focuses on a different part of the Pink City, ensuring you get the most out of your nocturnal adventures.