5 days in Mexico: hidden gems

Explore the hidden gems of Mexico in 5 days, traveling through Yucatán, Campeche, and Chiapas to discover ancient ruins, charming towns, and breathtaking natural wonders.

Day 1

Grutas de Loltún

Discover the fascinating underground caves with impressive stalactites and stalagmites formations.

Day 2

Calakmul Biosphere Reserve

Immerse yourself in the lush jungle and discover the ancient ruins of Calakmul, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Day 3

Balamkú Ruins

Discover the well-preserved stucco friezes at the Balamkú ruins, showcasing intricate Mayan artistry.

Day 4

Palenque Ruins

Explore the majestic ruins of Palenque, one of the most important Mayan archaeological sites.

Roberto Barrios Waterfalls

Enjoy the natural beauty and refreshing waters of the Roberto Barrios Waterfalls.

Day 5

Sumidero Canyon

Marvel at the towering cliffs and lush vegetation of the breathtaking Sumidero Canyon.

San Cristóbal de las Casas

Experience the charm and vibrant culture of San Cristóbal de las Casas, a colonial town in the highlands.

Day 6

El Chiflón Waterfalls

Witness the powerful cascades and turquoise pools of El Chiflón Waterfalls.

Lagunas de Montebello

Explore the stunning lakes of Lagunas de Montebello National Park, known for their vibrant colors.

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5 days in Mexico

A thrilling 5-day journey through Mexico, exploring vibrant cities, ancient ruins, and stunning natural wonders across the country.

Cancún, Mexico

5 days in Cancún, Mexico

This exciting 5-day itinerary in Cancún, Mexico covers a mix of cultural, historical, and natural attractions, ensuring a memorable experience.

Cancún, Mexico

5 days in Cancún, Mexico: hidden gems

Discover Cancún's hidden gems over a 5-day adventure, focusing on unique and less crowded attractions. Each day is packed with exploration, culture, and local charm.

Cancún, Mexico

5 days in Cancún, Mexico: night life

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Mexico City, Mexico

5 days in Mexico City, Mexico

Explore the vibrant culture and history of Mexico City over five days, visiting iconic landmarks, museums, and neighborhoods with rich traditions and modern flair.

Mexico City, Mexico

5 days in Mexico City, Mexico: hidden gems

Experience the vibrant culture of Mexico City through its hidden gems in a 5-day itinerary, exploring unique attractions that reveal the city's rich history and contemporary charm.

Mexico City, Mexico

5 days in Mexico City, Mexico: night life

Experience the vibrant nightlife of Mexico City with a thrilling 5-day itinerary that includes top nightclubs, bars, and cultural hotspots, ensuring an unforgettable adventure in one of the world's most dynamic cities.