798 Art District

A trendy area filled with contemporary art galleries and creative spaces.

The 798 Art District, located in the Chaoyang District, is a thriving art community housed in a former industrial complex. The area is known for its contemporary art galleries, trendy cafes, and creative spaces. It's a fantastic place to explore the vibrant art scene in Beijing, with numerous exhibitions, installations, and art events taking place throughout the year.



5 days in China: hidden gems

This 5-day itinerary explores the hidden gems of China, focusing on unique attractions across the country, each located close to ensure ample time to enjoy each site.

Beijing, China

5 days in Beijing, China

A thrilling 5-day exploration of Beijing, China, covering historical landmarks, cultural sites, and modern attractions, ensuring an unforgettable journey through the heart of the capital.

Beijing, China

5 days in Beijing, China: hidden gems

Explore hidden gems of Beijing over 5 days, experiencing unique cultural spots, serene parks, and local markets.