Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is a serene and picturesque bamboo forest, perfect for an evening stroll.

The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is one of Kyoto's most photographed attractions. Walking through the towering bamboo stalks, especially in the early evening, is a tranquil and almost otherworldly experience. The nearby Togetsukyo Bridge and the illuminated paths add to the mystical atmosphere of the area.



5 days in Japan

An exciting 5-day itinerary exploring the cultural and historical gems of Japan, from the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene temples of Kyoto.

Kyoto, Japan

5 days in Kyoto, Japan

Experience the cultural and historical essence of Kyoto with this 5-day itinerary that covers stunning temples, beautiful gardens, traditional neighborhoods, and vibrant markets.

Kyoto, Japan

5 days in Kyoto, Japan: night life

This 5-day itinerary in Kyoto focuses on night life, taking you through vibrant neighborhoods, traditional performances, and unique bars, ensuring you experience the best of Kyoto after dark.