Banana Island

A serene island on the Nile River, perfect for an evening visit.

Banana Island is a tranquil retreat located on the Nile River, offering a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of Luxor. Visitors can take a boat ride to the island and enjoy the lush greenery, banana plantations, and beautiful sunset views. The island also has a small café where you can relax and savor the serene surroundings. It's a perfect evening getaway to experience the natural beauty of Luxor.


Luxor, Egypt

5 days in Luxor, Egypt: hidden gems

Discover Luxor's hidden gems over 5 days, exploring ancient temples, tombs, and the stunning Nile. Each day focuses on unique, less-crowded attractions to give you an intimate experience of this historical city.

Luxor, Egypt

5 days in Luxor, Egypt: night life

Experience the vibrant nightlife of Luxor, Egypt, with a 5-day itinerary that includes visits to historical landmarks, cultural shows, and lively markets. Enjoy the rich history and lively atmosphere that Luxor has to offer after the sun sets.