Cannaregio District

A bustling district known for its nightlife and local charm.

The Cannaregio District is known for its authentic Venetian charm and lively nightlife. With a mix of traditional taverns, trendy bars, and hidden gems, it's a great place to explore after dark. Wander through the picturesque streets and canals, and discover the vibrant atmosphere that makes Cannaregio a favorite among night owls.


Venice, Italy

5 days in Venice, Italy: hidden gems

Discover the hidden gems of Venice through a thoughtfully curated 5-day itinerary that takes you off the beaten path to explore the city's lesser-known treasures.

Venice, Italy

5 days in Venice, Italy: night life

Explore the vibrant night life of Venice, Italy with this 5-day itinerary. Enjoy iconic attractions, delightful restaurants, and lively bars each night in different neighborhoods of Venice.