Coptic Cairo

A historic part of Cairo that is home to many ancient churches, synagogues, and the Coptic Museum.

Coptic Cairo is a historic and picturesque area of Cairo that is home to many ancient churches, synagogues, and the Coptic Museum. This area offers a unique glimpse into Cairo's Christian heritage, with highlights including the Hanging Church, the Church of St. Sergius and Bacchus, and the Ben Ezra Synagogue. The Coptic Museum showcases a rich collection of Coptic art and artifacts, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts.


Cairo, Egypt

5 days in Cairo, Egypt

Explore the wonders of Cairo in 5 days, visiting ancient pyramids, historic mosques, bustling bazaars, and world-class museums. Each day is carefully planned to ensure you experience the best of Cairo without feeling rushed.

Cairo, Egypt

5 days in Cairo, Egypt: hidden gems

A 5-day adventure in Cairo, Egypt, exploring its hidden gems, from historic neighborhoods and lesser-known museums to charming cafes and local markets.