Jal Mahal

Jal Mahal, the Water Palace, is a serene and beautiful sight, especially when lit up at night.

Jal Mahal, or the Water Palace, is an architectural marvel located in the middle of Man Sagar Lake. The palace is partially submerged and appears to float on the water, creating a stunning visual effect. At night, the palace is beautifully illuminated, reflecting on the lake's surface and offering a serene and picturesque view, perfect for a peaceful evening stroll.


Jaipur, India

5 days in Jaipur, India

A 5-day adventure through Jaipur, exploring its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture.

Jaipur, India

5 days in Jaipur, India: night life

A vibrant 5-day exploration of Jaipur's nightlife, featuring iconic attractions, local delicacies, and cultural experiences. Each day focuses on a different part of the Pink City, ensuring you get the most out of your nocturnal adventures.