Lagunas de Montebello

Explore the stunning lakes of Lagunas de Montebello National Park, known for their vibrant colors.

Lagunas de Montebello National Park is a breathtaking natural park located near the town of Comitán in Chiapas. The park is renowned for its stunning lakes, each with its own unique color ranging from deep blue to emerald green. Visitors can explore the park by foot, boat, or kayak, taking in the serene beauty of the lakes and the surrounding pine forests. The park is also home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts.



5 days in Mexico: hidden gems

Explore the hidden gems of Mexico in 5 days, traveling through Yucatán, Campeche, and Chiapas to discover ancient ruins, charming towns, and breathtaking natural wonders.