Luxor Museum

A museum showcasing artifacts from ancient Thebes, beautifully lit at night.

The Luxor Museum offers a quieter, more intimate look at the artifacts and history of ancient Thebes. The museum is beautifully lit at night, providing a serene atmosphere for visitors to explore its well-curated exhibits. Highlights include statues, jewelry, and items from the tombs of the Valley of the Kings. It's an excellent way to delve deeper into the rich history of Luxor.


Luxor, Egypt

5 days in Luxor, Egypt

A 5-day adventure in Luxor, Egypt, exploring ancient temples, tombs, and museums. Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this fascinating city.

Luxor, Egypt

5 days in Luxor, Egypt: hidden gems

Discover Luxor's hidden gems over 5 days, exploring ancient temples, tombs, and the stunning Nile. Each day focuses on unique, less-crowded attractions to give you an intimate experience of this historical city.

Luxor, Egypt

5 days in Luxor, Egypt: night life

Experience the vibrant nightlife of Luxor, Egypt, with a 5-day itinerary that includes visits to historical landmarks, cultural shows, and lively markets. Enjoy the rich history and lively atmosphere that Luxor has to offer after the sun sets.