Luxor Temple

A magnificent ancient temple complex that comes to life with lights at night.

The Luxor Temple is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the Nile River. At night, the temple is illuminated, creating a stunning visual spectacle that highlights its intricate carvings and grand architecture. Visitors can explore the temple's courtyards and halls while enjoying the cooler evening temperatures.



5 days in Egypt

A captivating 5-day trip in Egypt exploring the wonders of Cairo, Giza, Luxor, and Aswan.

Luxor, Egypt

5 days in Luxor, Egypt

A 5-day adventure in Luxor, Egypt, exploring ancient temples, tombs, and museums. Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this fascinating city.

Luxor, Egypt

5 days in Luxor, Egypt: night life

Experience the vibrant nightlife of Luxor, Egypt, with a 5-day itinerary that includes visits to historical landmarks, cultural shows, and lively markets. Enjoy the rich history and lively atmosphere that Luxor has to offer after the sun sets.