Tattoo Cafe & Lounge

Enjoy a relaxed evening with great food and a view of Hawa Mahal at Tattoo Cafe & Lounge.

Located opposite Hawa Mahal, Tattoo Cafe & Lounge offers a delightful mix of modern and traditional cuisine with a fantastic view of the illuminated palace. The cozy ambiance, rooftop seating, and delicious food make it a perfect place to unwind after exploring the city. It's an excellent spot to enjoy a relaxed evening while soaking in the beauty of Hawa Mahal.


Jaipur, India

5 days in Jaipur, India: night life

A vibrant 5-day exploration of Jaipur's nightlife, featuring iconic attractions, local delicacies, and cultural experiences. Each day focuses on a different part of the Pink City, ensuring you get the most out of your nocturnal adventures.